Emerge Stronger

What if you could get personalized attention AND community to help you transform how you lead?

What is Emerge about?

Emerge is a 8-week virtual group coaching experience for leaders who know that being intentional is a process of vision, self awareness, and planning. Starting with the end in mind, we guide leaders through seeing their big picture in detail. During Emerge we will walk with our clients through a transformational process of creating the plan they need for emerging stronger, better, and empowered.

What do you get?

Emerge will challenge and empower you through:

  • Greater self-awareness
  • A connection of mindsets and blind spots holding you back
  • A plan with clear steps for moving forward
  • Focused tools to create and sustain change
  • Integration of your plan using small group and 1-1 coaching

Who is this for?

Emerge was designed for YOU – a CEO, a manager, a contributor – to help you grow and move your impact, results and leadership to the next level. It’s for those of you who want to know more about where you’re good and what is holding you back from the impact you want to create.

Why a group setting?

The group coaching experience is an extremely powerful way to journey through change. This format delivers:

  • A community of peers with similar values and experiences
  • Different approaches to problems and challenges through peer coaching
  • Opportunities to rapidly motivate others and see them succeed through accountability

What are the details?

  • 8 consecutive weeks of Group Coaching (75- min Zoom sessions)
  • Two tiers of coaching:
    • Leader Level: 1 individual coaching call ($2950)
    • Executive Level: 3 individual coaching calls ($3950)

Tell me more!

  • Kick-Off. This important, initial time together will be spent getting acquainted and diving into what we think about “emerging.”
  • Zoom Out to Zoom In. We will zoom out from “right now” to get a view of what you want this to look like, who you want to be as a leader.
  • You as a Leader Then & Now. Using an assessment tool to guide us, we explore who you are as a leader, and how that is playing out in current circumstances.
  • Interrupt your Patterns. As our vision has started to gain focus and clarity, we start unraveling what is not serving the overall goal.
  • Check your Words. We explore how the words you are saying inform your beliefs and patterns, and how choosing new language can empower your journey.
  • Take the Power Back. Using new language and beliefs, we say goodbye to old patterns and hello to the energy and power that is created through your new awareness and clarity.
  • Walk it Out. Plan for it, and PLAN for it! Through each week, a plan was coming together for you to emerge as the leader you want to be. We discuss these plans, visions, and action items together.
  • Reflect to Emerge. This is where we bring it all together – celebrating where you started and how you are emerging as the leader and person you want to be.