The Importance of Endings

And as we leave August behind this week, I got to say goodbye to summer from one of my favorite places on earth. The coast of my home state was such a great place to get closure on a season.

These last few weeks made me think a lot about “endings”. A recent journal prompt around gratitude led me to that exact word. At first, it seemed like a strange choice for a gratitude exercise. What was I celebrating the ending of, exactly?

Endings are complex and easy to judge. They can cause feelings of conflict, negativity, or disappointment over regrets or missed opportunities.

When we judge endings as negative, we can find ourselves avoiding them – doing everything possible to hold onto the thing we’ve invested time and money and mental space in. We convince ourselves that we could make things better if we only tried a little harder.

What if it’s already as good as it can get?

Recently, we ended something significant in the Galloway story. In hindsight, I can see how dug in I was – so committed to the idea of staying that I couldn’t see the fear driving my commitment. Fear of what we might lose versus the possibility of what we could gain. I had no idea what might happen if I let go and allowed change to happen. It was just one decision to rip the bandaid off and amazing things followed.

Which all makes me wonder: What else needs to end?

And what if avoiding the “end” is simply keeping us from our next beginning?

Endings aren’t just about closure, they make space for something bigger and better.

When we avoid necessary endings, we miss out on what exists beyond the status quo.

Change rarely happens alone.

Community is one of the most compelling variables in change, and we know it. This is one of the #1 reasons we created our flagship program, Emerge. We wanted to provide women a space where they could be elevated to their next level of leadership. Emerge is THE community where women can harness the power of collective support in order to tackle the biggest challenges we face.

Groups have a unique ability to facilitate change. The power of community around significant transitions is undeniable. When we feel the most resistant to a reset, it’s often the time when we need it the most. The support and insights from others can be the catalyst for new clarity and confidence.

So, as we embrace the end of August and the shifting seasons, I invite you to reflect on your own life: What do you need to end? What outdated patterns or stale situations might you be holding onto?

It’s a season of change – whether we like it or not. It could be transformational if only we allow it. 

We’d love to be a part of your change! It’s our speciality. Email me to find out how we can help. 

We hope to get to see you Emerge!!